Prix Élégance énergétique : promouvoir l’intégration esthétique des technologies de la transition énergétique

07/06/24 - News

The Prix Élégance énergétique, organised by Klima-Agence in collaboration with the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils (OAI), is launching its call for projects and concepts for 2024. The aim of this prize is to reward the most aesthetically pleasing architectural integration of energy transition technologies.

Harmonising technology and aesthetics

The "Prix Élégance énergétique" is characterised by its efforts of showing that it is possible to integrate new technologies harmoniously and efficiently into the architectural landscape. The evaluation criteria place aesthetics in the spotlight and emphasise the importance of balancing functionality and design.

The prize also aims to raise awareness among professionals in the field of architecture and related professions, as well as the general public, of the importance of the aesthetic integration of energy transition technologies.

How to participate?

The "Prix Élégance énergétique" is open to private and public clients, architects, planners or contractors who have comepleted a project in Luxembourg or who are in the planning or construction phase.

Participants may submit several projects by ticking the appropriate boxes for the technologies and categories on the registration form.

The projects must integrate photovoltaics or solar panels, heat pumps, charging stations for electric vehicles or ventilation systems into the exterior architecture of the building, visibly enhancing the architectural quality from the outside.

To register and find out more about the "Prix Élégance énergétique", please visit our competition page.