Eco-district "Elmen", SNHBM
After the Interreg project GReENEFF, the "Cross-border network for the promotion of innovative projects in the field of sustainable development and energy efficiency in the Greater Region", in which Klima-Agence has participated since 2016, was concluded with an official event in Kehlen, the pilot project "Elmen" of the Société Nationale des Habitations à Bon Marché (SNHBM) continues to develop.
This eco-district of more than 800 affordable housing units has served as an inspiration for the entire Greater Region due to its ecological, innovative and sustainable aspects, meeting many of the eligibility criteria for the concept and for "Interreg" funding.
The technologies and concepts implemented in the project were developed to serve as an example for future projects.
Interreg GReENEFF
Since 2016, Klima-Agence has been part of the Interreg GReENEFF project and has accompanied the cross-border collaboration in the field of sustainable development of social housing and neighbourhoods in the Greater Region.
The added value of the project was to connect the different actors in the respective sub-regions in order to identify potential measures for acceleration and to stimulate the exchange of good practices. A practical guide consisting of thematic fact sheets was developed with the aim of documenting all the experiences gathered over the past years and providing impulses for future fields of action. First exchanges are also taking place in order to extend the cross-border network and the cooperation between the actors involved.
More details and interviews with the project promoters can be found on