Renewable energies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The increasing use of energy produced from renewable sources is one of the fundamental pillars for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is largely thanks to this production of green energy that the Member States will be able to comply with the commitments made by the European Union (EU) under the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.
Luxembourg's targets: National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC)
In Luxembourg, the national targets for 2030 have been set out in national energy and climate plan (PNEC 2020). The initial targets have been revised upwards in the draft update of the PNEC submitted to the European Commission in June 2023 for assessment, and aim to achieve 35% to 37% renewable energy in gross final energy consumption.
Manual of procedures for renewable energy projects
This manual, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of the Economy, is part of this approach and helps to achieve European objectives as part of its energy policy. The regulatory framework can be perceived as complex, so having an overview of the procedures to be applied to renewable energy projects will help prioritise the process and optimise the time needed to obtain permits.
The aim of the manual is to guide renewable energy project developers of all sizes through the administrative procedures involved in obtaining the necessary permits, so that projects can be authorised in the shortest possible time.
The procedures manual for renewable energy projects is being developed in coordination with the relevant stakeholders and will be added to and updated as required.
Download the procedures manual, appendices and forms (in french).