The third event in the Klimapakt fir Betriber roadshow took place on Tuesday 4 September in Useldange on the premises of Peintures Robin. Organised by Klima-Agence in partnership with Luxinnovation GIE, this event was another chance to highlight opportunities for the decarbonation and energy transition projects for Luxembourg companies.
The programme began with an introduction by Klima-Agence and a presentation by the municipality of Useldange, followed by a presentation of the programme instruments by experts from Luxinnovation, House of Sustainability and Klima-Agence.
Several local companies, including Peintures Robin, Naturbaustoff Réiden and EnergiePark Réiden, shared their experiences of decarbonization and energy transition. The discussion session at the end of the event gave participants an opportunity to talk to experts about the available subsidies and steps to take.
New dates for the Klimapakt fir Betriber roadshow are planned for September. To keep up to date with the latest news and forthcoming events, regularly visit our website