Use the Klima-Agence toolbox

Bespoke tools to help you better communicate issues relating to the energy transition to your citizens and support your municipal department in its work

To offer your municipal departments more personalised communication as part of an energy-transition strategy, we have developed ready-to-use online and print tools.

In your toolbox, you will find various communication media that your services can use on a self-service basis according to their needs. The other part of the toolbox offers practical tools and is aimed at your various municipal services.

Your ambassador will be able to facilitate the communication and information activities of your municipality by coordinating all of these tools within your structure.

Use these high-performance tools to better communicate issues relating to the energy transition. Your toolbox on video!

Benoit Hocq, Communication project manager

Your communication toolbox

Klima-Agence tools available on a self-service basis

  • Advertisements for your municipal publications
  • Online tools to support your citizens
  • Information brochures on various topics
  • Information and tips, practical advice and tools (print media or for your Facebook page)

Customisable media for your communications

  • Partnership announcements by Klima-Agence/your municipality on issues relating to the energy transition
  • Video clips to better understand basic topics linked to your citizens' projects
  • Themed articles for your municipal bulletins
  • Briefs for your newsletters and website
  • Advice and content for your website
  • A hybrid website: an information gateway on the topic of the energy transition and the Climate Pact, personalised and regularly updated by Klima-Agence
  • Educational content for your waste calendar

Your municipal services toolbox

Practical tools for your technical services

  • Information brochures on various topics
  • A Klima-Agence support package for new buildings and renovation projects including checklists for future owners, a planning guide and a list of useful contacts
  • An energy passport control tool allowing the municipality to check whether, in the context of issuance of a building permit, the energy values relating to construction or expansion projects have been met
  • A guide for municipalities or external service providers checking effective compliance with the energy passport
  • The Enercoach software: energy accounting software made available to municipalities via the SIGI, to measure the energy consumption of municipal infrastructure
  • A guide to subsidies made available to municipalities: declarations and application forms on the aid to municipalities issued by the Climate and Energy Fund (formerly the Environmental Protection Fund), a guide to energy optimisation in buildings and neighbourhoods through urban management tools (PAG, PAP, building regulations)

Information sessions for your municipal staff

  • Assistance in developing a municipal aid programme
  • Aid under the Climate and Energy Fund
  • Support programme for the creation of an energy cooperative or a civil society
  • Explanation of the tools available as part of the energy passport and for checking the energy passport

Discover our comprehensive guide for municipalities: Guide de l’utilisateur des supports de communication et de sensibilisation pour communes (FR).


Your everyday toolbox

Please take a few moments to share with us your impressions of the tools made available to your municipality.

Do you need a customised tool for one of your communication media? Contact Benoit Hocq, Communication project leader at Klima-Agence.

Does the Klima-Agence toolbox meet your communication needs?*
Do you intend to publish any publications or toolbox articles in the near future? *
Would you like us to assist you in updating the content of your website on the themes of energy transition? *
Would you like to have a dedicated page on the hybrid municipality / Klima-Agence website to allow you to have updated content managed by Klima-Agence? *
Does your municipality use Facebook? *
Does your municipality use LinkedIn? *
Would you like to receive content related to the energy transition for your social networks? *
Champ RGPD