Climate change is not coming. It is already here. The signs of climate change are clear: we all need to act now.
That's why Klimabonus provides financial support to encourage individual action on climate change and the energy transition.
Klimabonus is Luxembourg’s national grant scheme. Klimabonus aims to support energy-efficient renovation and sustainable construction of housing, promote heating systems that use renewable energy, encourage investment in photovoltaics and promote soft mobility as well as the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations. Klimabonus also supports you in managing your forest estate and protecting its biodiversity.
Discover Klimabonus and simulate the amount of subsidies you can receive to successfully carry out your project and help take climate action.

Changes in the subsidy scheme
The introduction of Klimabonus also brings changes to the previous subsidy regulations.
State subsidies for new buildings
No changes are planned for new buildings; changes are planned from 2023 onwards.
State subsidies for the renovation of an existing building
Simplification of the Klimabonus application
Thanks to the reform of the state subsidy programme, you can now choose between two application procedures.
If you want to implement a single insulation measure, you can instruct an energy advisor or a certified tradesman to submit the application to the Environmental Agency for approval in principle via a simplified procedure.
If the work is carried out by a non-certified tradesman, a certified energy advisor must check that it meets the eligibility criteria.
If you are planning to implement several insulation measures and would like to obtain a renovation concept for your home, please contact a certified energy advisor.
Insulating with sustainable materials
In order to encourage a more sustainable renovation of residential buildings, the subsidy amounts will now be categorised according to insulation materials (fossil, mineral, ecological). The promotion of environmentally friendly insulation materials is strengthened, with grant amounts upwardly adjusted per m2. This goes hand in hand with the discontinuation, starting 1 January 2024, of subsidies for insulation materials made of fossil materials - unless they are predominantly made out of recycled materials. For the thermal insulation of walls in contact with the ground and ground floors, fossil insulation materials remain eligible, as only limited alternatives exist.
Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery
Financial aid for the installation of ventilation systems is now restricted to installations with heat recovery.
Replacement of fossil fuel boilers with a renewable energy alternative
Klimabonus intends to make technical installations using renewable energy sources even more accessible to the general public and to encourage the replacement of old fossil fuel boilers with heat pumps, wood heating systems or a connection to a local heat network. For this purpose, a bonus for the replacement of an oil boiler and the removal of an oil fuel tank has been introduced.
The heat pump - the key technology for phasing out fossil fuels
The focus is on heat pumps, thanks to the increased grant amounts for the installation of heat pumps and eligibility for air-water heat pumps in existing buildings. Noise emission requirements have been introduced for heat pump components installed outside the building.
Wood heating only for existing buildings
Subsidies for wood heating can only be granted for existing buildings.
For pellet and wood log boilers, grants will now be determined according to the rated thermal output of the boiler.
Particle filters for wood-fired boilers
As far as wood-fired boilers are concerned, subsidies will in future only be granted for existing buildings, as a heat pump is the expected standards for new builds.
A newly installed wood-fired boiler should be equipped with a particle filter.
New: Klimabonus for retrofitting an existing wood-fired boiler with a particle filter.
Increased subsidies for the installation of a district heating network
Compared to the grant schemes introduced in 2016, the subsidy amounts for the establishment of a heating network and for the connection of a residential building to a heating network have been significantly increased. The district heating network must be fed by at least 75% renewable energy sources.
Combined investment grant and feed-in tariff for the generation of electricity
For photovoltaic systems, the existing organisation, which combines the investment grant with the feed-in tariff, will be maintained. An alternative model that facilitates self-consumption is also brought forwards.
If the solar electricity generated is mainly fed into the grid, the investment aid amounts to 20% of the actual costs, up to a maximum of 500 EUR/kWp. In this case, the customer receives the state-guaranteed feed-in tariff.
If most of the solar electricity generated is consumed by the customer, the investment subsidy is 62.5% of the actual costs, up to a maximum of 1562.50 EUR/kWp. In this case, the customer has to negotiate the feed-in tariff with his electricity purchaser.
Photovoltaic modules can be mounted on both residential buildings and buildings that are not used for residential purposes.