Take part in the neighbourhood visit and discover the renovation potential of your home!
Klima-Agence and the city of Differdange invite you to the "Zesumme renovéieren" walk in your neighbourhood "Cité Sicon 1960" and "Cité Breitfeld 1980".
Meet us on 18 October 2023 at 18:00 opposite 3, rue Henri Bessemer in Oberkorn.
Enjoy a friendly chat and discover the renovation potential of your neighbourhood!
During the walk, the local energy advisor will explain how you can reduce your home's energy consumption and answer any questions you may have. A local resident taking part in the "Zesumme renovéieren" project will share his experience of the renovation process and the support he receives. The theme of this visit is energy renovation in harmony with the neighbourhood's existing architecture.
The presentations will be given in Luxembourgish. Simultaneous translation into French will be provided.
Register by filling in the form below.