A photovoltaic installation gives you the opportunity to produce electricity from a renewable source and reduce some of your electricity costs, while protecting yourself from market price fluctuations. In addition to self-consumption, there are other subsidy mechanisms that can represent an interesting economic model, such as the guaranteed injection tariff or the market premium obtained through a call for tenders. The plant may be financed by equity capital or by a third-party investor, who may also be responsible for planning and building the plant.
To further stimulate the development of solar energy in Luxembourg, the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning* decided in 2018 to launch invitations to tender for the construction and operation of new large-scale photovoltaic power plants.
In total, projects of around 95 MW have been accepted under the four calls for tender between 2018 and 2022.
In 2022, the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of the Economy launched a total of three different calls for projects, details of which can be found below.
* Currently, the Ministry of the Economy