Replacing an old oil or gas boiler, rising energy prices, or embarking on a renovation or new construction project are often the triggers that lead people to consider ways of reducing their energy bills and consuming less and better. The heat pump offers many advantages in terms of reducing not only your energy bill but also your environmental footprint.

Clean and renewable energy sources
The heat pump is the energy system of the future. The heat pump uses ambient heat and electricity for heating. In contrast to fossil fuels such as oil and gas, the price of which has risen considerably as a result of the energy crisis, the electricity required to operate the system can be generated from renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydro and biomass). This makes you less dependent on fluctuating energy prices and increases your security of supply.
Preservation of the environment
Dans le cadre de la transition énergétique, les énergies fossiles sont remplacées par des énergies renouvelables. En vous chauffant avec une pompe à chaleur, vous contribuez donc à la préservation de l’environnement, vous réduisez vos émissions de CO2 et vous diminuez ainsi votre empreinte écologique.
Why has the installation of a heat pump in an existing building become cost effective?
- Heat pump technology has improved over the past few years and the devices are operating more efficiently.
- The electricity required for operation has become greener. The share of electricity produced from renewable energy sources has increased as a proportion of the total.
- Temperatures in Luxembourg rose by 1.6°C between 1861-1890 and 1991-2020.
(Source: Klima an Energie 2021- État des lieux) - The number of cold days per year has decreased, which leads to a reduction in the number of days during which heavy heating is required.
- The installations operate more quietly.
Attractive amounts to replace your old boiler
If you choose a heat pump, you can benefit from the State Klimabonus subsidies. You will receive up to approximately €9,000* for the installation of an aerothermal heat pump and up to approximately €13,000* for the installation of a geothermal heat pump in your existing house, including a bonus for replacing your old fossil-fuel heating system and/or financial assistance for the disposal of your oil tank.
*A maximum of 50% of the investment
If you still have a functioning oil or gas heating system, you can also heat with a hybrid system on a transitional basis, for which you can also obtain state subsidy.
You can simulate the amounts available for your project at any time and find out if you can also benefit from additional grants from your municipality or your energy supplier by consulting the Klima-Agence grant simulator
Requirements for obtaining Klimabonus subsidies for a heat pump
- Klimabonus grants are only available for installations in residential buildings.
- For existing buildings, the installation of a buffer tank of at least 30 l/kWh is required.
- In the case of a hybrid system, at least 70% of the annual heat requirement must be covered by the heat pump.
- For an aerothermal heat pump (including an air/water heat pump), the COP efficiency value (COP = coefficient of performance) must be ≥ 3.1 for A2/W 35.
- In the case of a geothermal heat pump, whether ground/water or combined with a latent heat storage tank and a solar thermal collector, the COP value (COP = Coefficient of performance) must be ≥ 4.3 at B0/W 35.
- For a direct exchange geothermal heat pump[BZ1] , the COP efficiency value (COP = Coefficient of performance) must be ≥ 4.3 ^ at E4/W35.
- The noise power Lw for the unit of an air source heat pump installed outside the building must meet the following requirements (according to EN 12102):
- ≤ 5 kW; 48 dB (A)
- > 5 and ≤ 12 kW; 51 dB (A)
- > 12 kW; 55 dB (A).