Energy analysis “Potenzialcheck”

Analyse your company's energy consumption

To get an overview of your company's energy consumption, we offer you the “Potenzialcheck” (energy analysis). This is a quick and effective evaluation, performed in collaboration with a consultancy firm of your choice, to identify your potential for optimising your energy consumption.

Find out more about the "Potenzialcheck" energy audit here.

You can find the various stages of a structured approach to carrying out a detailed analysis of your company's energy consumption, as well as the related subsidies, in the specific measure on the Klimapakt fir Betriber website.

What is an energy analysis?

An energy analysis is a systematic evaluation of the energy consumption of a building, company or organisation. Each use and energy flow is taken into account. The analysis aims to determine the existing efficiency level of each area of consumption, and gives an assessment of potential savings. At the end of the analysis, specific recommendations are made for measures that could improve the energy performance at hand. The methodology and standard documentation for the "Potenzialcheck" (energy analysis) were developed by the engineering advisor Énergie et Environnement S.A.

What is the purpose of an energy analysis?

An objective analysis can give you a better understanding of your company's energy use and related costs. The aim is to help the assessed business make energy savings, thereby reducing its expenditure and environmental impact. All this while maintaining the same level of quality and convenience for its activity or output.

What happens once the analysis has been completed?

The report you receive represents a "snapshot" of your company's energy performance at the time it was carried out. You are under no obligation to submit it to a regulatory authority.
The report concludes with a practical list of optimisation measures, prioritised according to economic, technical, and organisational criteria. Energy performance indicators (EPIs) will also be presented so that, on the basis of the study, you can monitor your consumption independently in a critical and informed way.
The list of improvement measures and the energy performance indicators can then be used to implement effective energy management in your company and reduce your consumption. You are under no obligation to implement any works. It remains up to the company to decide whether or not to take action to exploit this potential and implement the proposed measures.