Call for tenders for large-scale photovoltaic installations

Participate in the calls for tenders launched regularly by the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning for the construction and operation of new photovoltaic power plants in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Commit your company to a sustainable energy transition.

Main requirements for participation

The tender is generally divided into five lots: 

  •     Lot 1: Industrial sites > 500 kWp and ≤ 10 MW
  •     Lot 2: Exterior envelope of buildings > 200 kWp and ≤ 500 kWp
  •     Lot 3: Exterior envelope of buildings > 500 kWp and ≤ 10 MW
  •     Lot 4: Shade or water basins > 200 kWp and ≤ 500 kWp
  •     Lot 5: Shade or water basins > 500 kWp and ≤ 5 MW

For each lot, the Ministry shall retain the bids in ascending order of the ranking obtained, until the last bid considered achieves the maximum volume to be remunerated.

The successful bidders shall benefit from a market premium contract over a period of 15 years for the feed-in of the electricity produced, drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the amended Grand Ducal Regulation of 1 August 2014 on the production of electricity based on renewable energy sources and the terms and conditions specified in the tender documents.

The installation must consist of new photovoltaic cells.

The tenderer must provide proof that they are entitled to use the proposed site for the photovoltaic installation (owner, tenant, usufructuary, etc.).

The bidder must be a natural or legal person or a group of natural or legal persons.

The submission of a tender implies an undertaking by the tenderer to comply with all the obligations of any kind set out in the tender documents if his offer is selected.

In principle, tenders are organised once a year.

The detailed terms of the different tenders are described in a set of specifications. The specifications are sent by e-mail to anyone who requests them at the following address: 

Find all the terms and conditions of participation in the call for tenders on