Zesumme renovéieren neighbourhood visit: discovering the renovation potential of an entire districtin Differdange
On Wednesday 13 September, the first guided tour of the streets of Differdange highlighted the renovation potential of an entire neighbourhood, bringing together residents, municipal representatives as well as the Minister for the Environment, Joëlle Welfring, and the Minister for Energy, Claude Turmes, as part of the "Zesumme renovéieren" initiative.
New initiative from Klimabonus: digitalisation to facilitate applications for subsidies
To speed up the processing of applications for Klimabonus subsidies, it is now possible to submit applications for Klimabonus "Wunnen" subsidies via MyGuichet.lu. (press release in FR)
Klima-Agence, partenaire national en matière d’énergie et climat : une offre d’accompagnement accessible à l’ensemble de la société luxembourgeoise
Force est de constater l’évolution rapide et positive de Klima-Agence pour répondre aux défis énergétiques et climatiques actuels tout en gardant une approche innovatrice et pluridisciplinaire. Avec plus de 12.000 sollicitations en 2022, Klima-Agence reste un acteur incontournable de la transition énergétique pour l’ensemble de la société luxembourgeoise.
Information session for professionals on the national subsidy programme Klimabonus
Klima-Agence, along with the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Housing, the Chambre des Métiers, the Fédération des Artisans, the Fédération du Génie Technique and the Ordre des Architectes et des Ingénieurs-Conseils, invites you to an information session about the government subsidy programme Klimabonus for the promotion of sustainability, energy efficiency and renewable energies in housing.
There are many negative and false preconceptions about the ecological and economic benefits of renovation measures. Here are 10 of the most common misconceptions about renovations along with an analysis of how truthful they actually are.