Calls for tender: a boost for solar energy

In order to further stimulate the development of solar energy in Luxembourg, in 2018 the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning decided to launch calls for tenders that cover the construction and operation of new large-scale photovoltaic installations.

In total, projects of around 95 MW have been approved in the four tenders between 2018 and 2022.

In 2022, the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Economy have launched a total of three different calls for projects, details of which can be found below.

Call for tenders for large-scale projects

Reserved for photovoltaic installations with an installed capacity of between 200 kWp and 5 MWp. The five lots are divided into three categories:

  • Industrial sites
  • Exterior envelope of buildings
  • Shade or water basins

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Call for tenders "self-consumption"

Aimed primarily at self-consumption of the electricity produced, a new investment aid is now available to companies. The call for tenders is divided into three categories according to capacity:

  • > 30 and ≤ 200 kWp
  • > 200 and ≤ 500 kWp
  • 500 and ≤ 5000 kWp

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